Sprinkle a generous amount of olive oil on bottom of pot
Add 3 cloves of garlic pressed or chopped
Add half of a chopped onion
Add 5 to 6 chicken breat chopped
Add salt and pepper to taste
Cook on medium high until chicken is cooked all the way trough and add a chicken flavor blast from swasons
Add 2 cans of cheddar cheese soup
Add 1 can green chili's
Add I can of corn with juice
Add 1 can black beans that have been rinsed and drained
Add one 16 oz box chicken stock
Stir that up then get a bussell of cilantro and tear of leafs
Put in a large pile
And chop up fine
Add to soup along with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
Cook for about an hour and get a cup of rice
Add to soup and stir cook on medium heat for about 20 to 30 mins until rice is cooked and soup is thick

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